So today was a little bit tougher yesterday. I still stuck to my goals, but I had to improvise a little.
Here's what my day looked like:
Protein pancakes, yogurt, blueberries
So for breakfast I planned on having protein pancakes. These consist of eggs, oatmeal, protein and water. I made up the batter last night so it was ready to go for this morning. For the pancakes I decided to use unflavored protein, instead of the chocolate I've been using. I cooked them up this morning and topped them with whole fat plain greek yogurt, and warmed blueberries. It looked delicious, but the taste...meh. I think this was due to the protein flavor (or lack there of) I used. I'm going to try making them again with the chocolate. I couldn't even finish them, so to make up for what I couldn't eat, I made a half portion chocolate shake.
Snack 1:
Cottage cheese, strawberries and blueberries
So the plan for lunch was tomato tuna salad. What I didn't realize is my manager would be taking me out to lunch. Today was my second and final day of orientation at my new job, and after orientation our managers picked us up and took us out. Fortunately she just took us to the galley (our company's cafeteria) where we could pick out what we wanted. I ended up getting a turkey sandwhich on Rye with lettuce tomato and mustard, a side of carrots, a homemade pickle, and a side of pineapple. All still within the guidelines. WIN.
Snack 2:
Celery sticks and peanut butter
2 miles on the treadmill. Combo of running/walking for 30 min.
Chocolate protein shake
Tomato tuna salad (Didn't have to cook anything because I had already made it for lunch, just ate the leftovers!)
So on top of my meal mishaps, I was a little disappointed in my workout. I had initially planned on running and then doing kickboxing, but I just wasn't up for it. I'm proud of myself for at least getting a workout in, but I wish I had pushed myself a little harder. Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day!
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